I want to give you a piece of advice for
you when you are pursuing a girl. So many times boys lose their chance because they do not know how to properly get a girl. DO. NOT. BE. NEEDY.
If you are needy, it comes off as weak. Its very unattractive to girls. You should not be overly romantic when pursuing a girl at first. To most girls, it will feel too clingy.
Do not act cold or arrogant, but also do not be clingy. A girl will be more attracted to a guy who is not acting like he needs her to survive.
Girls want a man who they can lean on, not a man who will lean on them. (This does not mean a girl does not want to care for you, though.)
Of course as you become closer and start dating, you can slowly open up more. And once you are married this is the time to be more open.
Anyways, too many guys these days cannot find a girlfriend because they are being too clingy. They move too quickly and never make the girl have to try to earn them. They are too easy.
Please learn from this post😂

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