everyone! I haven’t updated in so long, don’t worry, I’m still alive, just getting super lazy. Even though I practice my mandarin 5 minutes everyday, I feel that my writing is still super shitty, so please help me correct them if there are any, (I’m sure there are plenty 😝) 图片1: 越来越然,夏天快来了所以这个帽子变成了我最好的朋友。因为澳大利亚的阳光太厉害了,我怕变成烤猪
Pic 1: it’s getting hotter by the minute. Summer is officially here, so this straw hat has recently become my best friend. Because the UV in Australia is one of the world’s highest, it’s better to be safe than sorry. I don’t want to be turned into bacon 😛
图片 2: 除了中文,我最近也自己学做衣服。因为这样,我对会做衣服的人感觉他们特别厉害👍
Pic 2: Besides learning Chinese, I recently have been learning how to sew as well. From that moment on, I have so much respect for tailors and fashion designers
Pic 3: These strawberries are bigger than my butts and sweeter than my soul 😂
图片4: 每天都为了这杯奶茶锻炼身材. 别人减肥:不吃饭,我减肥:奶茶一般糖😏
Pic 4: Other people when they want to diet: cut carb, me when I want to diet: milk tea- less sugar 😎
图片6: 我做的彩虹面条又好吃又好看
Pic 6: my deliciously beautiful rainbow pasta
照片 7: 42 摄氏度的天气 it’s so hot outside my sweat is sweating ( 不知道用中文怎么说)
图片8: The first 3 words you see will be your 2021. I saw Hope, Butter and Friends. What did you see? Let me know

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