Today I decided to write this post in English for people that
are studying English reading practice.英語のリーディングを練習してる人のために私はこのポーストを英語で書いて決めた~!☺ 質問があったら私に聞いて下さい!
Today I went to my favourite fresh fruit and vegetable shop. Everything is so great and fresh and they're all good prices. I don't mind paying a little bit more for good fruit and vegetables. It's good for my health! I feel happy when I buy things from here. I don't really buy vegetables from supermarkets anymore!
The Chamomile flowers I bought online! I'll be making Chamomile and Green tea for my health!
I'm also excited to eat the crispy fresh bread. 🍞
Today's lunch is Spicy Tofu and mushroom chicken with miso soup and avocado. 🥑

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