ているアクセサラーを付けずにはいられません。祖父は面白くてユニークな人でそういうわけで、皆に好かれている。そして今日、祖父の誕生日を祝ったのに、祖父が知らないのは私達が明日祖父のために不意打ちの誕生会も開くことになっています。明日誕生会に来る人は40ぐらいいるはずだと思います。だから、祖父はびっくりするはずです。私は明日の誕生会で何枚かの写真を取るつもりなので、それについて投稿もします。その投稿を楽しみにしてください。I went to eat breakfast with my family today to celebrate my grandfather’s 85th birthday. As usual, my grandfather can’t help but wear every piece of jewelry he has every time he goes out. But that’s why everyone likes him. He’s interesting and unique. And even though we celebrated his birthday today, what he doesn’t know is that we are having a surprise birthday for him tomorrow too. I think there is supposed to be around 40 people coming to the party. So my grandfather should be surprised. I intend to take some pictures at the party, so I will post about that too. Please look forward to that.

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