all my summer plans are canceled or scheduled to happen later
in the year. I’m scared I won’t be able to go then :///anyways, how have you been?
I’m okay I guess. I still go to work, and it’s kinda nice because I get paid an each 10% than normal because I’m working (at a grocery store) during the pandemic.
We started doing online classes. I like them because I can do it at my pace. I’m almost done with my history and math class :D
My friend from Germany was supposed to visit me for the 4th of July, but she had to cancel her flight :( I think that’s the saddest thing that’s come out of this.
or maybe it’s that I can’t go over to my mom’s house since she has a bad immune system. Her doctor told her that me and my siblings should stay at our dads house in order to lessen the risk of her getting the virus. So, I’ve been at my dads for almost a month now.

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