ここでじぶんのはなしをするのはたのしい。- I enjoy sharing my stories here.
❓I wanted
to use the word わかちあう for sharing, how could I change the sentence above to do that? Part 3 of my photo story from this past Saturday:
There was a boardwalk at the lake leading onto the water and terminating at a gazebo. From there, you had almost 360 degree views on the action taking place on the lake. This is where I spent the bulk of my time, along with other photographers that had gathered there.
I found the pelicans to be very graceful birds and it was really fun watching them cruise by. This one pair kept paddling in the water close by and as the sun was slowly descending in the sky, the light kept getting better and better. I call #5 a romantic moment, but maybe I am just being silly. 🙃
The airport is pretty close and you could see airplanes approaching all the time in the distance. I got an amusing shot out of that in #6, with the eagle flying in front of the jet.
I got another sharp photo of the flying eagle in #7 and I am pretty happy with that.
Many shots were ruined, either out of focus or the birds got clipped off. I made a compilation of the eagle in flight. The last photo in that compilation in particular would have been fabulous, but it was just too close I could not get the bird into the full frame... 😓
The last compilation needs a bit of explaining. This is a juvenile eagle. I actually originally thought it was the same bird on all of these shots, but upon close inspection the first image is a different juvenile. Anyway, what happened is that this bird was approaching and caught a fish, a pretty big one actually. It then flew past us and towards the trees with its catch. Following close behind were two pelicans ready to snatch the fish in case the eagle dropped it (I only caught one pelican in the shot)... Isn't that amazing?
Two more parts to the story left... I promise, there is still good stuff coming, haha!

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