作者名称 国旗国籍

Jane vip





2021.03.14 05:31

I went to Nola last weekend with my two friends 😊 💙 as an early

birthday celebration 🎉 💙 😍

New Orleans is always a beautiful place to visit. Expensive for drinks but I recommend to buy yourself your own drink to add to theirs bc they are really weak. Also be careful at night, we were 20 ft away from a gun fight which two teens got injured. But even though I've been here multiple times this was the first time I've experienced something like this. So just be careful at night during the day it's super safe.

They have amazing food, culture, dark history to amazing buildings. There's always something going on 💙🎶🎉🍲😍

Note, almost each hotel downtown is haunted but the odds of that is rare. We stayed in one and nothing happened 😭 honestly, I wanted something to happen 😂

You will enjoy this place for sure, don't miss the plantations, food, shops, French Market, boat ride, alligator burgers, haunted graves, history, and art and so on.

I spend $300 in one day with almost everything I've mentioned. Not including the hotel.

As always an enjoyable time with great friends 😊 💙 second birthday trip coming soon 💙
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  • Franco 2021.03.14 05:42


    Thanks Jane! Great review! I'd love to visit NOLA! Some day not too far away✌ I love músic and food, it would be really nice to go there!
  • Jane 2021.03.14 05:44




    @Franco you're welcome 😊Definitely, I hope you do visit someday. Best wishes to you 😊

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