🍅🥒 Two more veggie stories 🍆🥕
1学期最後の授業で、小学3年生の子達は2ヶ月間 学んできた
I like... I don’t like... Do you like…?を使って、みんなの前で好きなものなどを発表しました!✨ During my final lesson with my 3rd graders before summer break, we did a review activity using “I like/I don’t like/Do you like?”
Each student stood up and shared what they liked, disliked, or wanted to know 😆
その時の会話がこちら ↓
( ちょっとシャイな 🐶ちゃん )
🐶:I like… トマト 🍅
🐢(Yuri):Wow! Nice job! 😂👏🏼👏🏼
( 次は自信満々の 🐵ちゃん )
🐵:DO YOU LIKE… ピーマン!?
🐢:ヽ(・、 .)コケッ
🐢:green peppers 😂
🐢:uhh.. close! 😂😂
✏️ ✏️ ✏️
Later, my teeny tiny 2nd graders brought me two green peppers from their garden.
See how shiny these green peppers are? ✨
That’s how shiny and sparkly my 2nd graders’ eyes became when they learned the word “green” 😂
そして、このピーマンを届けに来てくれた可愛い 2nd graders との会話はこちら ↓
🐢:Ah! They’re called green peppers!
🐢:(。・・。)(。. .。)ウン
P.S. Can you guess what I’m growing now? 🌱

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