を払う日本の文化は好きです。それは先祖がいなければ我々は今存在しないからです。 私の母は東京出身でしたが、私が少年だったときに家族でアメリカに引っ越しました。母はほぼ50年間アメリカで永住し生きている間は日本に帰国することはできなかったのです。
I don’t really understand the rites involved with a funeral in Japan or the proper things to do afterwards. Nevertheless, I admire the culture of paying respect to ancestors without whom we would not be here today.
My mother was from Tokyo but moved to the U.S. when I was a boy. She lived in the U.S for almost fifty years and never made it back to Japan while she was alive. Her ashes are now placed in the family plot located in a cemetery near Mount Takao.
My wife and I made the trek to the cemetery today to say hello and pay our respects. It was a good day.

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