Today, after my songwriting session, I spent my time volunteering
at the local homeless shelter.It was truly humbling, and I realized that none of my “problems” are really problems, or worth the time and energy that I’ve been giving them. I’ve let things, and people, rob me of my joy lately, and I haven’t been putting anything positive into this world. So, today, I decided to let go of all of those things, and no longer let them keep me from putting joy and kindness into this world.
“입을 열면 아름다운 것을 말하십시오.
네가 내놓은 것은 언제나 너에게 돌아올거야.
모든 단어가 중요하므로 아름다운 것을 말하십시오.
문을 열려면 누구에게나 열려 있어야합니다.
모든 말을 의미하고 아름다운 것을 말하십시오.”
“If you're gonna open your mouth, say something beautiful.
What you put out will always come back to you.
Every word counts, so say something beautiful.
If you're gonna open your doors, be open to anyone.
Mean every word and say something beautiful.”

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