I don't really remember much about my time in Sweden last year
because it was mostly just resting at home and cooked a few of my own meals. I did send Hugo and Maya (my nephew and niece) to school during a few times in the morning, and fetched them in the evening.去年のスウェーデンでの時間はほとんど家で休んでいて、自分で食事を作っただけだったので、あまり覚えていません。私はヒューゴとマヤ(私の甥と姪)を朝の数回学校に送り、夕方にそれらを取りに行きました。
My sister bought me a pair of skates and took us to the neighbourhood ice skating rink nearby. I was really bad at it and fell multiple times! It was really fun, but because of the adventures in Japan, I was feeling tired and sore all over, so I gave up after a while.

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