Slang/acronyms I use a lot pt 2:
btw = by the way (ちなみに)
= i don’t know(わからない) deadass = seriously(ガチで)
ykno = you know(あのね〜/〜でしょ?)
bc = because (から/ので)
obvi = obviously(当たり前)
rn = right now(今)
sm = so much/many (多い)
full send it =(結果に関係なく何かをする)
otw = on the way(途中)
clutch = exactly what I needed(いいタイミング/助かる)
I’m down = I’m keen/willing(そうしたい)
rip = rest in peace (残念)
cringe = lame (ダサい)
ez = easy (簡単)

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