私はふたたびキャンプにいくことをたのしみにしていました。- I was thrilled to go camping again
! ⛺This is the start of a journal from my camping trip at the end of July. As usual, I have lots of photos to share, so there will probably be quite a few posts on this, but let's get started!
This trip took us - me and my daughter - to the southwest part of the state of Colorado, into the mountains. I'll explain more about that later. The drive there included cresting a pass sitting at 3,448 meters right on the Continental Divide. At the top of the pass is a gondola you can take up to the crest of the mountain where you can enjoy great views. 🚠 The last time we were there we took the gondola and the winds were so fierce, it was hard to stand upright... This time we just enjoyed a break at the wonderful and expansive gift shop.
Then, going west you pass a series of reservoirs as you reach a National Recreation Area. The views are pretty, especially when you get to the narrow river canyon section. This was actually not even my intended route, but a necessary detour as the main road through the area had been closed due to construction. It added about an hour and half to the drive without stopping, but how can you possibly drive through here without getting out of the car (at least a few times) to admire this scenery?
The weather was unsettled as it would be for the entire trip. The clouds were starting to build in the afternoon, but it added to the atmosphere. There were only a few drops of rain and it was quite warm, so it did not bother me one bit.
Coming up in part two will be the destination for the day, another National Park! How exciting! 😎

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