しずかにあるけばいろいろなものがみえてきます。- If you walk quietly you can see many
things. 🐾July 10 hike - episode 4:
Another critter spotted! This time it's a pika. For those that were with me a year ago I have talked about pikas then, but let me just repeat some of it here.
Pikas are related to rabbits, but are smaller. They share the same habitat with marmots that I talked about in my last post. They have large ears and are pretty cute animals overall. While the marmot sounds the alarm like a whistle, pikas have a really high pitch alarm sound.
I encountered pikas higher up on the trail. One came down from a rock, got closer to me and proceeded to nibble on some grass. This gave me a decent opportunity for close-ups.
Spot the pika in the last image! 🧐

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