にニュースにありました!アマゾンの熱帯は地球さんの肺で、どうして、注目を集めるには3週間かかりましたか?歴史的で美しい場所が大好きですが、人々の優先事項は間違っていないですか? 人間はこんなことをするから、「私たちは地球さんを殺している」を思う人がたくさんいる。でも、実は、自分の種、人間と動物種、を殺していると思います。地球さんはいくつかの文明を生き延びましたから、あの貪欲な人々はよく考えるべきです!植物や木は土地の裸地から成長できて、いつか、新しい種を形成できるけど、現在の人間と動物は木がない場所で全然繁栄できません。全然生き残れません。地球さんは人間が必要じゃないけど、人間は地球さんがとても必要ですよ!
The Amazon rainforest has been on fire for three weeks now... When Notre Dame was burning, it was immediately picked up by the media but why on earth did it have to take three weeks for the Amazon rainforest, the “lungs of the Earth”, to catch our attention? Don’t get me wrong. I adore beautiful and historical places but it seems like our priorities are totally misplaced.
A lot of people think that we are “k i l l ! n g Mother Earth” because of this when in reality, we are just butchering our own specie. The Earth has survived several civilizations so those greedy people should use their common sense. Plants and trees can spurt and grow from bare lands and, someday, can support new life forms, i.e., new “sets” of human beings and animals. On the other hand, present day humans and animals CANNOT thrive without trees. Survival is impossible! The Earth does not need humans but humans are dependent on this Earth, ffs...
Sometimes, no, most of the time, powerful and influential people are m 0 r 0 n s.

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