너의 모습과 색깔은 계속 변하지만, 네가 항상 아름답다는 사실만은 변함없어.
Your appearance and
color are constantly changing, but the fact that you are always beautiful does not change.

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김용철 Charlie 2019.09.20 13:30
Kaizokusama 2019.09.20 13:32
AKE 아케 2019.09.20 13:53
AKE 아케 2019.09.20 13:55
Kaizokusama 2019.09.20 13:56
AKE 아케 2019.09.20 14:10
Kaizokusama 2019.09.20 14:12
AKE 아케 2019.09.20 16:03
김용철 Charlie 2019.09.21 14:21
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