damn I cried watching this
My parents' English is more proficient
than most older immigrants here, but they still struggle with the language a lot My dad still sometimes asks me to order food at a restaurant or ask for directions on the road instead of doing it himself, because he's afraid people won't understand his English
It seriously pains me how people often treat immigrants so rudely.. it's like they're forgetting the US is a land made up of immigrants
I understand how people view English as a global language, and how it's commonly used here for official purposes (the US technically doesn't have an official language), but I hate how that perception of the language makes people who can't speak English well feel stupid and uneducated
A person isn't any inferior to you based on the language they speak
I have mad respect for my parents and all immigrant parents, no matter what anyone else says, because they fight ten times harder than everyone else every single day to live in this country
Some people think immigrants have to "earn" their spot here but I call bs

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