What I’ve wanted for this year has been playing on my mind for
the past week, and I couldn’t come up with an answer until I re-read an old favourite book of mine by Seneca called “On the Shortness of Life”, which I have quoted in the voice note below.Instead of making irrational and inauthentic decisions based on time running out or things taking too long, we should instead focus on a more constructive question: am I spending my time well?
I have been asking myself since last night, what am I investing in? What am I giving my time, my energy and commitment to? Is it worthwhile? Does it enrich my life? Is it what I want? Doing this, I realised that I have much to change.
The important thing about time, which is always uncertain, cannot be the quantity, but the quality of it. And so, my goal for this year has become clear: instead of having external expectations, I must create higher internal standards of what I find worth investing my time in.
I sincerely wish you all the best possible growth and time for 2021.

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