요즘 너무 바빴어요 😭
I’ve been so busy lately
여기 기회가 있을 때 찍은 사진 몇
장 있어요 📸 Here are some photos I took when I had the chance
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J U N 2021.03.28 07:51
Keysun 기선 2021.03.28 07:55
Micaela 미켈라 2021.03.28 07:56
Micaela 미켈라 2021.03.28 07:56
권혁술 2021.03.28 07:56
Jay Lee 2021.03.28 09:00
Sam Koh 2021.03.28 09:02
Micaela 미켈라 2021.03.28 09:12
Micaela 미켈라 2021.03.28 09:12
Micaela 미켈라 2021.03.28 09:12
Sam Koh 2021.03.28 09:16
권혁술 2021.03.28 09:17
Micaela 미켈라 2021.03.28 09:28
Sam Koh 2021.03.28 09:38
동까츠 2021.03.28 10:35
Terry 2021.03.28 14:49
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