My Niegborhood in" Boston Massachusetts"lol 🤣 it was sooo freaking
cold but the "Fall "looks beautiful here does it not Thanksgivings and black friday is next week ! already hahaha

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mariela rey 2020.11.18 01:49
Chris Cheng 2020.11.18 01:49
moyoko 2020.11.18 01:50
Mimi 2020.11.18 01:53
amy 2020.11.18 01:54
Jack 2020.11.18 01:55
絵馬emma 2020.11.18 01:56
微笑厌倦哈欠 2020.11.18 01:59
Shelly 2020.11.18 02:00
Ashley 2020.11.18 02:03
一一 2020.11.18 02:04
Cathy 2020.11.18 02:06
Dinaxy 2020.11.18 02:22
Paris 2020.11.18 02:22
YUKIJI 2020.11.18 06:36
Niko 2020.11.18 09:43
ゆか 2020.11.18 13:49
Junna 2020.11.19 04:18
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