🐿️ Squirrel Update. 🐿️
There have been a few developments recently
. The most shocking is that I think our famous Mr. Squirrel was actually a Mrs. Squirrel (shown in pics 1-3). 😅, And I think she is pregnant again. She had three little baby squirrels born two or three months ago. I really tried to get pictures of them but they were so skittish and difficult to capture! Now they have moved out but it seems one of them has stayed (pics 4-6) and will continue living here. 😄, in these pics I fed them leftover donuts. 🍩, I think they loved the sugar. 😁, the new little squirrel doesn't have a name yet but it is a smart one. When it had finished eating it decided to bury some leftover pieces but unfortunately I think they will degrade quickly in the ground so when it comes to find them again they may not be there haha. 🤭

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