でりんご以外パンプキン畑と向日葵畑とトウモロコシの迷路もありました。多くのひとはワンチャンを連れて行きました。色んなりんごを持って帰りました。McIntoshとGolden DeliciousとFujiのりんごを取れました。やっぱりFujiのりんごが一番甘かったです。To New Yorkers, autumn is apple season. On Saturday I went apple picking with my boyfriend. It was the first time I’ve ever gone apple picking. At this farm besides apples there was a pumpkin field, a sunflower field, and a corn maze. Many people brought their dogs with them. I brought home many kinds of apples. I got McIntosh, Golden Delicious, and Fuji apples. All in all, Fuji apples were the sweetest.

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