Lección 266
Vamos a aprender el uso de unas palabras en ingl
és juntos: on / in / at
-Hey, have you seen my keys? I thought that i left them on* the dining room table last night.
-Did you look in* your bag? I think you may have put them in there after we came inside the house.
- mmmm, after we came in, i do remember going in the kitchen and putting them on the table. But they are not there now.
- Did you check your pants Pocket? maybe you put them in* your pocket. You took off your pants and put it in* the bathroom.
- 🤔 No, I'm sure it's not there.
- How about in the car?
- No i don't think so.
- hey, look over there! Is that your keys on the chair in the kitchen.
- haha yes yes. I must have put them there when i put my bag down on the chair when we can in. 🤭
Un repaso
on the table
on the chair
in your bag
in the kitchen
in the bathroom
in the house
in your pants pocket
in the car
otros ejemplos:
on the bed
on the ground
on the sofa
in the cupboard
in the drawer
in the closet
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