Animal Based Idioms
Ten animal based idioms or expressions. Add
them to your vocabulary, and use them if you get the chance.
1. As quiet as a mouse = very quiet Example: Don't wake them up, be as quiet as a mouse
2. As blind as a bat = completely blind, or joking about poor eyesight Example: Without glasses, she's as blind as a bat
3. As stubborn as a mule = very stubborn
Example: I can't convince you to do anything, you're as stubborn as a mule.
4. As busy as a bee = very busy Example: She never has any free time anymore, she's as busy as a bee with work.
5. As red as a lobster = very red Example: Whenever he gets mad, he becomes as red as a lobster.
6. As ugly as a toad = very ugly Example: That girl is as ugly as a toad.
7. As free as a bird = No worries or duties Example: Travelling makes you feel as free as a bird
8. As silly as a goose = very silly Example: You're being as silly as a goose.
9. As wise as an owl = Very smart, wise Example: I always listen to my father, he's as wise as an owl.
10. As mad as a hornet = Very angry or mad
Example: I'm so angry, I'm as mad as a hornet!

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