I’ve noticed there has been a recent influx of new accounts here
. So it’s the perfect opportunity to make a post on what you should look out for if you are new here. There are plenty of nice and helpful people here but there are a few people who ruin it for others.1. Just because their flag says they are from a country doesn’t mean they are really from there.
2. People who are more serious learners will have a filled out introduction and multiple posts
3. If someone’s location is turned off you can still see their time zone at the top of the chat. So if they say they are in “America” but the time says somewhere else be suspicious.
4. If someone says they are a native speaker but you feel their English writing is strange (weird grammar or full of spelling mistakes) just ask for a voice message for confirmation.
5. If someone asks for help setting up a social media account and needs your number. They are a scammer
6. If you get a message under one of your posts which says “ Hi please message me” it’s a fake account and will be deleted the next day

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