#26 Weekly Learning - Russian 📝
Hello HT friends 😄,
to my weekly learning of 🇰🇷🇯🇵🇷🇺 ❓Question: What's your favourite weather? Mine’s sunny 😊
🍎 Topic 1: Weather
Холодно - cold 🥶
Жарко - hot 🥵
Тепло - warm 🤗
Снег - snow ❄️
Дождь - rain 🌧
Солнце - sunny ☀️
Облачно - cloudy ☁️
🍎 Topic 2: Dialogue practice
E.g. 1:
A: Привет! Как погода?
A: Hello! How is the weather?
B: Ужасно! На улице холодно, -20 и снег!
B: Terrible! It's cold outside, -20 and it's snowing!
E.g. 2:
A: Добрый вечер. На улице холодно?
A: Good evening. Is it cold outside?
B: Нет, на улице тепло, но идёт дождь! Температура +15. У вас есть зонт?
B: No, it's warm outside, but it's raining! The temperature is 15. Do you have an umbrella?
E.g. 3:
A: Доброе утро. Как дела?
A: Good morning. How are you?
B: Отлично! Солнце, жарко, +30!
B: Great! Sunny, hot, +30.
🕊 I would appreciate if you could leave your audio to read the above contents via comment or PM to me for my learning 🎙
🕊 It would also be nice if you could share some examples of the above grammar/vocabulary 👍🏼
🕊 Feel free to drop me a comment below ✒️
Thank you 🤗
Source: Textbook from Russian Language Class

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