バイクを買いたいですよ。Today I went to Colchester city for work. The customers business was a motorbike selling shop. As I saw so many cool motorbikes, now I want to hit one.
家に帰ったら、疲れていた、強いコーヒーを飲まなくてはならなかった。 その後昼ごはんを食べた.
When I got home, I was tired, so I had to drink a strong coffee. Afterwards I ate lunch.
After work finished, I had a Japanese lesson at 7pm so from 5pm - 6:45pm I studied Japanese in preparation.
During the lesson, together with the teacher I finished the Tobira article, reviewed vocabulary and grammar and practiced conversation.
でも。。。いつものように先生は僕にたくさん宿題を出た。 だからたくさん宿題があるので、勉強の他には、何もできないはずです。
But... as usual my teacher gave me a lot of homework. Therefore, as I have a lot of homework, I’ll likely be doing nothing but study this weekend.
She also taught me a fun phrase:
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