いのに)。 Recently, in Tokyo we’ve been getting many rainy days. Perhaps the rainy season has already begun!(though it is still early I think)
I live really close to my work, so I commute everyday by bicycle. It only takes ten minutes, but on days where the wind is really strong and it is pouring rain it can be a little rough. There have been times where I arrived to work soaked. Therefore good rain gear is absolutely essential!
This week I did some rain gear shopping! I was searching for it on the “merucari” application. There were so many different styles and patterns that it was unexpected fun to look.
I chose this white polka dotted red raincoat. It’s cute, right!
一昨日アパートに届きました。売り手からこの手書きのイラストとメッセージが付いてきました! 同じレインコートを着ている猫ちゃんのイラストを見ると嬉しいです(*^ω^*)
It came yesterday to my apartment. It arrived with a handwritten note and message from the seller. The illustration is a cat wearing the same raincoat! So cuuuute!
きっとこのレインコートが暗い雨の日を明るくして楽しく過ごせます^ - ^
This raincoat will surely brighten these grey rainy days.
By the way, this is my 100th post on HelloTalk!!!!! Yahoooooo!!!!!

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