生活改变了。 生活就是这样。
5年后,您将拥有不同的个性。 您将拥有不同的身体。 您将有新朋友。 您将有不同的工作。
没关系。 请注意,事情正在发生变化,因此您可以学习和成长。
改变生活。 享受车程。 🙂
Life changes. That is the way life is.
In 5 years You will have a different personality. You will have a different body. You will have new friends. You will have a different job.
It's okay.
Just be aware that things are changing so you can learn and grow.
Trying to keep things the way they are now is like trying to stop the sun from rising.
Allow life to change. Enjoy the ride. 🙂

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