Today over here in Hoboken, NJ, my good friend and I participated
in a obstacle course race. You race while at the same time need to maneuver and accomplish certain physical courses. It was a lot of fun and at the end we got some some "medals". Then we ate some Cuban food post race. Muy delicioso.To be very honest, it was only a "participation medal" which doesn't mean much to me. I'm glad everyone was out to have fun, do something healthy and have a great time. But I just DO NOT like the idea of "participation trophies". What's the point? For that we should all get a gold 🏅, a 🏆 trophy and stand at the podium in first place everyday. Just for waking up, going to work, using the bathroom, throwing a fart.
Or maybe.....MAYBE the 🏆, the gold 🏅, the championship belt that we get everyday is.....LIFE😳🤯🤔🤗
Anyway, who would like to do a race? And where would it be? What would you eat after?

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