IDIOMS 👀 about eyes / ojos / yeux (oeil)
🇺🇸She turned a blind
eye to it. (she decided to ignore it)
🇲🇽Cerró los ojos ante ello.
🇫🇷Elle a fermé les yeux (fait l'aveugle).
🇺🇸We see eye to eye.
(we agree)
🇲🇽Estamos de acuerdo.
🇫🇷Nous sommes (On est) d'accord.
🇺🇸An eye for an eye makes the whole world go blind.
(Principle of non-violence: revenge is a bad idea. If you take revenge, you just end up hurting everyone🧚🏻♀️).
🇲🇽Ojo por ojo y el mundo acabará ciego.
🇫🇷Oeil pour œil laissera le monde entier aveugle.
Are there equivalent sayings /expressions in your language?🇮🇳🇰🇷🇧🇷🇮🇹

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