I recently learned that a friend/former classmate ended her life
a few months ago. I'm in shock. The last time we spoke was around the beginning of the pandemic. She said she was sorry that she couldn't make it to my research presentation and that she wanted to read my research paper. And some time before that, we were laughing at work, talking about hanging out again. Over the years I've known her, it was clear that she was an extraordinary person. She graduated at the top of her class, volunteered at a hospital and various organizations, and wanted to spend the rest of her life helping people with mental health issues. She was also an amazing writer and artist, and had the ability to make anyone around her feel comfortable. At the same time, she had her demons and lived a very difficult life. But you wouldn't know because she hid her pain and anguish behind a smile.I really regret not reaching out to her sooner. She crossed my mind a few times this year but I always said to myself I will message her 'tomorrow' or 'some other time.' I can't help but wonder if there was something I could have done to prevent this tragedy from happening. I was actually thinking about messaging her this week to catch up before I leave for grad school.
While I feel sad for her family, I feel sadder for the world because it lost a good person. The world will never be able to see her dreams or aspirations come to fruition.
If you're thinking about someone, ask them how they're doing. If you're not on good terms with someone, try to apologize and make peace 💓 In life, there's always today but not tomorrow.
For some people, tomorrow may never come.

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