きょうはたいようがでていない。めずらしい ですね。- No sun today! How unusual! 🌫
As I
am behind in sharing photos I really want you to see, here is something from last weekend. It was Father's Day, which in my town means the biggest weekend of the year with a parade through main street and a professional rodeo. I attended the parade and skipped the rodeo. I have been to a few rodeos over the years, but they always seem pretty much the same and do not draw me all that much. It's a must for any visitor to the American West, though! 🐎🤠
The first photo is a just some wildflowers that grow next to the garage. My favorite color. I have to take care not to mow that area every year!
The parade itself is usually quite long and features the typical lineup of clubs, groups, businesses, politicians and of course lots of horse riders. There are wagons, rodeo royalty, classic cars, monster trucks, race cars... Wait, monster trucks and race cars? Yes, but you will have to wait for the second set of photos, I am afraid...😀

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