はるになりました。- Spring has come.
This is the second part of yesterday
's photo blog - spring flower show! The bees were all over that second second flowering tree. People enjoyed themselves outside on the patio of this brewery.
Walking around one could get a feeling that we are on the cusp of better days. People were out and about. The cool playground that was once my daughter's favorite - and that I photographed last spring closed and taped up with COVID caution signs - was full of screaming kids.
It's not over of course, it was just a feeling that eventually in the not too distant future normal life can resume. At the same time, case numbers in this county (district) have risen, which forced authorities to raise the indicator level to yellow prompting more restrictive measures. The trend had been pointing in the right direction for quite some time, but recently there has been a resurgence, despite a ferocious vaccination campaign. Let's just hope for the best!

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