对于我最近经历过的人们的所有信息和不耐烦,我真的很不知所措。 我希望人们能够更加耐心和理解,我正尽力帮助你学习英语,但我
不是上帝! 我无法随时随地回复每一条消息!但我也要说我得到了如此多的支持和善意,我想非常感谢所有善良,理解和支持的人,这对我来说意义重大💕
I’ve been really overwhelmed with all the messages and impatience from people I’ve been experiencing lately. I wish people could be more patient and understanding, I’m doing my best to try to help you learn English but I’m not god! I can’t be everywhere all the time replying to every message!
But I also have to say I have received so much support and kindness, and I want to say thank you so much for everyone who has been kind and understanding and supportive, it means so much to me 💕

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