作者名称 国旗国籍

stacey ステイシ-



2021.05.14 11:29

I love to bake, I love trying new recipes so today I made カス

テラ and I'm excited to try it once it's been refrigerated for 12 hours so that will work out nicely for me getting up for work as I start at 1am Saturday so my breakfast will be カステラ and tea. have you ever made this cake before? is it as popular in japan as the website I got it off says? would you like to share cake and food recipes with me I'll exchange English recipes in exchange for Japanese ones. let's exchange languages and cultures and learn together
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  • ken369 2021.05.14 11:35


    Looks delicious! 😋I can tell that you are good at cooking.😊
  • stacey ステイシ- 2021.05.14 12:14


    @ken369 I don't know if I'm good at it but I like to experiment I really want new Japanese recipes to try
  • Saori さおり 2021.05.14 12:28


    I love baking too. I've made カステラ a few times. It's very popular but it's not common to bake it yourself. There are many good sweets shops in Japan.
  • stacey ステイシ- 2021.05.14 12:33


    @Saori さおり you cant beat homemade cake thoguh knowing you created it yourself is so satisfying

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