チップマカダミア、ダブルチョコレート。最近クッキーは安く販売されていた、一つRM1だけが残念、私は逃した。😭 今は三つでRM5.20です。私はいつもクッキーを食べたいので、買った後、とても嬉しかった。😍❤️ サクサクとして、暖かいのクッキーと思う、あの日は全然違う。全部のクッキーは甘い味だけ、食べるときは大変なので、姉は一緒に食べました。悲しくて、チョコの味も味がしなかった。😔
Subway cookies!
I went to Subway to buy cookies. There were 3 flavors, oatmeal raisin, whitechip macadamia, and double chocolate. Recently, it was on sale Rm1 per cookie, but I missed it. Now, it is RM5.20 for 3 cookies. I'm so happy to buy them after thinking about cookies for a long time! 😍❤️
I thought they would be crunchy and warm like before, but at that time, it was not. I had a hard time eating the cookies because all of them were sugary-sweet, so I shared with my sister. I couldn't even taste the chocolate flavor. 😔

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