先週、京都は暑すぎたので、バッグに入ってたカメラレンズが壊れたと思う ☀️🔥📷💀 さよなら、Canon 50mmレンズ…
8年間一緒にいてくれて、ありがとう 😭 これは先のレンズで京都の蕎麦屋さんで撮った最後の写真の1つLast week, I think a camera lens in my bag broke because Kyoto was so hot. Farewell, Canon 50mm. Thanks for being with me for 8 years. This is one of the last photos I took using that lens, at a soba shop in Kyoto.
今朝、ネットで注文した新しいカメラレンズが家に届いた 🤲
This morning, the new camera lens I ordered online arrived at my house.

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