私はいいだと思うけど、外に出かけたとき、家にいるの感じように促された。😣そして、お気に入りのフローズン ヨーグルトとバブルティーを買いましたと何も行かなかった。私は食べるときは幸せになれた。食べ物は、人を変えるの力が感謝や幸せを感じするがあったといつも思っています。☺️
とにかく、カフェーの店内が綺麗な日本語字も書いてあったけど私は写真を全部撮っていない。😣 可愛いカフェーです。😍
I went to the shopping mall yesterday. But people without a mask are not allowed to enter, so everyone wore them. It was less crowded too. At first, I thought I would feel happy to go out, but I felt like going home all the time. So, in the end, I went to buy only my favorite yogurt ice-cream and bubble tea. I felt blissful to eat them again. I always think food has the power to change people to become happier and grateful. 🥰🥰
Anyway, there were Japanese written in the interior of the cafe, and it was so cute but didn’t manage to capture the photo of them.😟

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