Even though I want to teach languages sometime soon, I also want
to teach nutrition. I enjoy both of these a lot. 😁Download the HelloTalk app to join the conversation.
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LanaWishin2BRichOver9 2019.08.07 06:36
silk lu 2019.08.07 06:37
아름 Bella 2019.08.07 06:37
张振东 Steven 2019.08.07 06:38
TOCTeacher 2019.08.07 06:40
TOCTeacher 2019.08.07 06:40
TOCTeacher 2019.08.07 06:41
艾雪 Chelsea 2019.08.07 06:50
Edith 2019.08.07 07:01
smile 2019.08.07 07:03
韩丹丹 2019.08.07 07:07
TOCTeacher 2019.08.07 07:10
TOCTeacher 2019.08.07 07:12
TOCTeacher 2019.08.07 07:13
smile 2019.08.07 07:13
TOCTeacher 2019.08.07 07:17
smile 2019.08.07 07:21
AK 2019.08.07 08:16
Jerry 2019.10.04 16:35
TOCTeacher 2019.10.06 03:18
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