やっぱり味がめっちゃ懐かしかったから、食べながら子供時代の日々思い出した 😊 食べってからHyde Parkで散歩したけど急に風が強くなって大雨が降った。傘持ったのにびしょ濡れになった 😂😂
ところで、最近HelloTalk再インストールしたけどメッセージ全部消えたからごめん! 😣🙇
I finally went for afternoon tea again!
I came here last Christmas, but the menu has completely changed now, and the new theme is childhood sweets. As expected, the taste was super nostalgic, and while I was eating I remembered a lot of memories from when I was a kid. 😊
After eating, I took a walk in Hyde Park, but it suddenly got really windy and rained heavily. Even though I had an umbrella, I got absolutely soaked 😂😂
By the way, I recently reinstalled HelloTalk, but all my messages have disappeared, so I'm sorry 😣😣

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