when someone lies to me in this app and I discovered that I never
get mad at all or even tell him\her that ..actually I am okay with that, call me weird but I really never had a problem before with anyone lie to me in this app or any social media platform before, cuz if he lies in general so it is not my business, but if he lies to me that is mean I didn't make him comfortable enough to say the truth so that is my fault, not his fault .... so why should I get mad? maybe ppl around him so judgmental and break his self-confidence and that makes him lie!!and I learned by the hardest way that to never judge a book by its cover, cuz a great cover maybe had empty lines (words) and maybe had lines (words) could destroy your mentality or even your life ...and maybe an old book with an ugly cover had the most wonderful lines (words) in the world which change your life to heaven, so judgment always creat the lies.
so wherever you are on this planet and whenever you read this post I wanna you to just know that
I respect you, I respect you more than you can imagine, I respect your soul your mind your heart, and you worth it and you deserve it even if you don't know that and even if you don't agree with me about that
I really respect you for your existence on this planet, and that is more than enough reason, I respect every choice you to take and every mistake you made I respect the real you inside and respect the fake you too, I respect every weakness time going through, and I respect your dark side and your fairs too.i appreciate your truth and understand your lie.i respect your unlucky and unperfected life.
and if haters hate for no damn reason I just want you to know I love you all for no damn reason too, even if I don't know you and even if I never talk or meet you before, I love u and you worth it and deserve it, and thank you for being among us and thank you so much you even exist .

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