ゆきをみつけました!うれしいです!- I found snow! I am happy! 😎
I really wanted
to take the skis out for a skate today, but I wasn't sure I'd be able to, as the snow around me has been quickly disappearing due to the recent warm and dry weather. Well, I am happy to report that I was successful in finding enough of it up in the mountains, about 50 minutes away. The temperature was -5°C, so perfect conditions, really. It was not quite the winter wonderland I had encountered two weeks ago (I posted about it), but still pleasant enough to get some exercise and enjoy nice views. I don't know how much distance I covered, but I was out there for three hours. At this time of year, in my opinion there really is not much that beats being out in the wild, feeling the wind on your face, gliding on the snow and gazing at the windblown peaks.
I was extremely lucky to have found a lot of wildlife and it has made it very tricky again to select the nine photos I can share in one post. The first animals I came up on the way there were two groups of bighorn sheep. They were actually on the road, licking it, trying to get minerals from the road treatment. Passing cars scared them off onto the mountainside. They were still very close for good closeup shots. I think they are beautiful animals and very photogenic. The youngsters were very cute.
The second set of animals I found were moose. Again, I encountered them in two groups. The first group was five animals including three impressive looking bulls. They were quite far away, however, and so the pictures are not quite as detailed. This is the first time here that I came upon such a big group of moose. Much to my surprise, a little later while on my way back to the trailhead, there was a female moose with her offspring, this time quite close, even though the light was fading. I feel blessed having seen this much wildlife in one day!

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