作者名称 国旗国籍




2020.02.05 12:10

I’ve noticed some of my foreign friends have been a little confused

on our education system in the uk...let me explain ☺️

First we have nursery which is a kind of pre school (ages 3-4)

Then you enter primary school where you stay for around 7 years- the classes are: Reception, year 1, 2,3,4,5 and 6

After that you join Secondary School which you start at around ages 11-12 (you stay here for a further 5 years, classes: year 7,8,9,10,11

Once you leave Secondary school you’re around 16 years old and you can either leave school to work or join collage or a sixth form.

A sixth form is a sort of extension of school usually on secondary school grounds where you do your college level exams and classes.

Collage you go to for about 3 years and there’s all different age ranges that go (ages 16-22),
Here you can study a specific course with the intention of going in to that industry, (for example: for me I studied animal management), or you can go and take harder lessons that you took in school like maths and English.

Once you leave here you have the qualifications to get a job in your chosen area but some want to further their education so they can apply to University.

University is like the university every where else in the world, you start at around age 20 ( though university is highly regarded here it’s not completely necessary as we already have some qualifications from college.

Hope that explains things a little 😂
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  • Takayan 2020.02.05 14:01


  • Cindy 2020.02.05 15:40


    Thank you! How about 5,6 years old? Still staying at nursery school?or not studying at all
  • Athina 2020.02.05 15:41


    @Cindy you’d be in reception or year 1 of primary school at that age ☺️
  • Cindy 2020.02.05 15:46


    Oh! I learned the word "reception" 0.0, I used to think that reception is like the counter for people to make inquiries.but I searched it up just now, it's like kindergarten or nursery. You guys not using the word kindergarten?
  • Athina 2020.02.05 16:30


    @Cindy no I didn’t even know what that meant until I watched American movies 😂

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