First home cooked meal in the new apartment! Made my favourite
😍, spicy 🌶 chicken 🍗 pasta 🍝👨🍳🤤

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Sherry. 2020.11.21 15:09
Barbie Jing 2020.11.21 15:09
Min 2020.11.21 15:11
Kimi 2020.11.21 15:11
希燃 2020.11.21 15:13
Jelly 2020.11.21 15:14
kingking 2020.11.21 15:15
jinling 2020.11.21 15:16
下班急先锋 2020.11.21 15:24
iffy 2020.11.21 15:29
Maya 2020.11.21 16:46
Fujiwara korei藤原小玲 2020.11.21 17:20
Eva 2020.11.26 15:57
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