Hello everyone I hope you're all doing well, I'm not very active
on social media but for some reason I feel compelled to post images here. Mentally I've not been the best and find myself staying in bed because I don't want to be awake and have to do things. My only joy at the moment is picking an outfit for my daily walk which nobody will see because it's covered by a huge coat and scarf. I got to briefly see a close friend after she recovered from covid, we have the same birthday so we exchanged gifts! She made me this candle and tea set, it's so bloody cool. When melted, the wax forms this strange shape that reminds me of the catacombs in Paris 💀.At night is when I am most myself, I dance every day and watch my korean dramas, sometimes with a beer, sometimes tea. I miss exercising and I miss my friends. I still study Japanese but it's all stuff I already know, I'm not motivated to learn new things😔. I'm saving up money for Japan now. I'm going to try and take photos of items to sell this week I think 🤔. I will try to be more active again. 💖

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