がっこさん!食感がとても良くてスモーキーな味も絶妙!初いぶりなので、大感激ぃ~ ポテサラはいつも食べ過ぎちゃうね、私。玉子とマヨネーズとネギはあんま私の弱い胃袋ちゃんに優しくないけど、やめられないなぁ😭
Potato salaaaaaad!
This is pretty darn good, even if I do say so myself. I swapped the usual ham out for iburigakko! How good is iburigakko, eh! The crunchy texture and the smokiness, just perfect. It’s my first time trying iburigakko and I’m deeply impressed.
I always have way too much potato salad. Eggs and mayonnaise and spring onions don’t really agree with my weak stomach, but I just can’t stop myself 😭

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