たよ。例えば、家族や友達や彼女などずっといました。でも最近僕の携帯が盗まれたので友達に連絡できなくて今年誰かと一緒にクリスマスを楽しめなかったです。自分で時間を過ごすのは全然大丈夫だけど最近は悪いことばっかりだから特に今年誰かと一緒にクリスマスを過ごしたかったですよ。 おまけに、そろそろイギリスに帰っちゃうけど全然帰りたくないです。僕の両親は田舎に住んでて、めっちゃつまらない場所だから全ての友達はもう別の場所に引っ越しました。もちろん家族と僕の猫に会うのを楽しみにしてるけど絶対に実家に帰ってから大変寂しくなっちゃうと思います。だから今日幸せそうな人々とかカップルを見た時やっぱり辛かったですね。クリスマスのに文句を言っちゃってごめんなさい!良いクリスマスを!
Merry Christmas! 🎅
To be honest, this has been the worst Christmas of my life 😅
In the past, someone has always been with me on Christmas. For example, family, friends, girlfriends etc. have always been with me. But recently my phone was stolen so I wasn’t able to contact my friends and couldn’t enjoy Christmas with them. I don’t mind spending time alone at all, but recently only bad things have been happening to me, so in particular this year I really wanted to spend Christmas with someone. To make things worse, I’m going back home to England soon but I really don’t want to go back. My parents live in the countryside, it’s a really boring place so all of my friends have already moved to different places. Of course I’m looking forward to seeing my family and my cats, but I think that after I return to my parent’s home I’ll start to feel very lonely. So when I saw happy looking groups of people and couples today, it was a bit painful, as I expected. I’m sorry for saying negative things even though it’s Christmas, I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas!

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