このせかいにはいきをのむようなばしょがあります。- There are places in this world that
take my breath away. 🎆This is another continuation of my vacation report from my recent camping trip.
🔶️Day 3 - Part 1:
This day was very long and rich in experiences and I took so many worthwhile photos that I need to break it up into two parts.
This was the day I finally went on one of the top recommended hikes in Grand Teton National Park. On previous visits I never had enough time. Starting from the visitor center at Jenny Lake, another picturesque lake in the park, the trail winds along the lake shore and then ascends to an amazingly beautiful waterfall (Hidden Falls) and a viewpoint above the lake.
First, however, was a stop along Jackson Lake in the morning to photograph the always breathtaking Teton mountain range on a clear day.
The trail up to the waterfall is crowded every summer and this year was no exception. I was really trying to stay away from people, but it was difficult with the narrow trail and the large crowds. This ended up to be the most crowded spot of the whole trip, and I can understand why if you look at the pictures.
I will tell you about the rest of the day next time (and I will have the entire set of the photos up on my gallery then)... 😎

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