여러분 안녕하세요:) Hello everyone. So, since I am an English teacher
, I thought i would talk about some useful phrases.Today, I will talk about the difference between the phrases "I have to admit..S +V" and " I hate to admit it, but...".
그래서 오늘은 I have to admit와 I hate to admit it, but..의 차이를 배워볼께요.
1. I have to admit :
I have to admit은 말할때, "솔직히", "솔직히 말하면..", 아니면, "인정하다"라는 의미인지.
Ex: I have to admit, I didn't believe you.
[솔직히,너를 완전 믿지는 않았어요]
I have to admit, this is delicious!
솔직히말하면 이거는 정말 맛있어요!
그리고, 때때로 상황이, 문맥에 따라 "인정하고 싶지는 않지만" 이라는 뉘앙스를 담기도 합니다
예: You have to admit, the special effects were excellent. [ 특수효과는 좋았다고 인정해야만 해요]
2. I hate to admit it, but...
[인정하긴 싫지만 / 인정하지 않지만..]
I hate to admit it, but이라고하면 인정하기는 싫지만, 하지만 ~ 하고서다.
인정하기 싫다면서 I hate to admit it 이라고 말하고서는 할말을 but 뒤에서 하고 있네요.
Ex: I hate to admit it, but he is better than me.
[ 인정하고 싶지는 않지만 그는 저보다 잘 한다]
I hate to admit it, but I'm kind of picky.
인정하기 싫지만 저는 좀 까다로워요.
So basically, the main difference is that " I have to admit" is used when you are trying to say something that you feel a little guilty about or embarrassed to say. It is also like stating a fact that you just realized. "I hate to admit it, but" is a bit stronger. It's almost like you really don't want to admit something is true, but you feel you kind of have to. They are both used quite frequently in daily speech ( I can say as a native speaker of English.)
Anyways, I hope you enjoyed the lesson and learned something new. ^^
See you later!

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